2015 Corporate Citizenship Report

Up Close: Outcomes from COP 21

In December 2015, parties to the United Nations (UN) Frame- work Convention on Climate Change convened in Paris for the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP 21). COP 21 resulted in a global agreement which, for the first time, commits all parties to undertake action on climate change and report on related progress. Key commitments of the agreement include: • “Each party shall prepare, communicate and maintain successive nationally determined contributions that it intends to achieve.”

Participants at the 21st Conference of the Parties in Paris, December 2015.

of the COP 21 process, indicate a greenhouse gas emissions trajectory similar to that anticipated in our Outlook .

ExxonMobil believes that these commitments are a positive step in achieving global participation to address climate change risks. For many years, ExxonMobil’s Outlook for Energy has taken into account the potential for climate policies to become increasingly stringent over time and impose rising costs on energy-related carbon dioxide emissions. Preliminary analyses of the aggregation of intended nationally determined contributions, which were submitted by governments as part To drive improvement, our merit-driven employee development and compensation systems integrate performance in environmental areas, including emissions and energy efficiency. In order to ensure that our corporate communications accu- rately reflect our internal policy positions, we employ a corporate-wide global climate change and greenhouse gas issue management team. As issues arise at the local, state, national and regional levels, our global team of experts evaluate and develop a company position on the issue. ExxonMobil employees also hold key leadership positions, including board of director positions, with many trade associations that engage on climate change issues, including the American Petroleum Institute (API), the International Association of Oil and Gas Producers (IOGP) and IPIECA, the global oil and gas industry association for environmental and social issues.

• “Each party shall communicate nationally determined contributions every five years.”

ExxonMobil continues to support and contribute to efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. We believe the risks of climate change are real and warrant thoughtful action. Meeting the climate change challenge will require action from all parts of society, including governments, civil society and the private sector. We believe it is possible to address climate change risks while also meeting growing global energy demand and supporting economic development. We believe an effective policy response to climate change requires a thorough understanding of the climate system. Our scientists have been involved in climate change research and related policy analysis for more than 30 years. This has resulted in hundreds of publicly available documents on climate-related topics, including more than 50 peer-reviewed publications. While our long-standing and continuous involvement with climate science research, often conducted in collaboration with governmental bodies and leading universities, has advanced the company’s understanding of the climate system, ExxonMobil is committed to continued engagement with the climate science community in an effort to further develop the science. ExxonMobil contributes to a wide range of academic and other organizations that research and promote dialogue on addressing climate change risks.

• “Each party shall regularly provide … a national inventory report of anthropogenic emissions by sources and removals by sinks of greenhouse gases” and “information necessary to track progress made in implementing and achieving its nationally determined contribution.”

ExxonMobil actively advocates for responsible policies that would be effective in addressing the risks of climate change. When we encounter proposals, we offer informed data and policy analysis and engage in thoughtful debate. We have had hundreds of meetings with policymakers in the United States, the European Union and Canada to share our views on carbon pricing policy. We will continue to meet with policymakers and other stakeholders to discuss effective approaches to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For additional information on ExxonMobil’s approach to political advocacy and contribu- tions, see page 86. Our chairman and members of the management committee have primary responsibility for — and are actively engaged in — managing climate change risks. The board of directors receives annual in-depth briefings that cover updates on public policy, scientific and technical research, and company positions and actions related to climate change.

Peer-reviewed articles on climate research

Managing climate change risks exxonmobil.com/citizenship


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