2015 Corporate Citizenship Report

Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O’Neill on board the Spirit of Hela for loading of the first liquefied natural gas cargo. ExxonMobil is committed to engaging with stakeholders wherever we operate.

Engaging with stakeholders As a global company, our business directly affects and is directly affected by many people, organizations and communities around the world. For a company of our size, building and maintaining relationships with a diverse group of stakeholders are both priorities and ongoing challenges. Energy issues are complex and our stakeholders represent multiple viewpoints. The discussions we undertake with our stakeholders help us understand a variety of perspectives. Regular stakeholder engagement helps us continue to improve our company and remain a responsible corporate citizen. We interact with our stakeholders using a variety of mecha- nisms, including community meetings, Web and social media content, corporate publications, and one-on-one and group discussions, among others. We include examples of stake- holder engagement throughout this report. While ExxonMobil recognizes that our stakeholders may have a diverse set of interests, the following list demonstrates our different stake- holders and their typical areas of interest.

Employees • Benefits; diversity; development opportunities; safety, health and wellness Customers • Product safety and sustainability; supply chain management; greenhouse gas emissions Suppliers • Expectations for suppliers; expanding local supply network; supplier diversity Communities • Community development; economic development; grievance management; human rights; operational impacts

Governments • Taxes; local supplier development; job creation; impact assessments; ethics; education Non-governmental organizations • Biodiversity; water management; climate change; air quality; transparency Shareholders • Governance practices; board composition; policy engagement; sustainability

exxonmobil.com/citizenship Engaging with stakeholders


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